Art as Sanctuary: A Four-Year Mixed-Methods Evaluation of a Visual Art Course Addressing Uncertainty Through Reflection.

Published in Academic Medicine. Check out the research here

Columbia University Medical Center and Weill Cornell Medical College conducted research based on a course created by ArtMed inSight and aimed at enhancing  medical students’ observation, emotional awareness, and meta-cognitive skills.

The research found positive results regarding both the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data. Results included augmented reflective capacities, observation, and awareness of point of view. Additionally the class was found to offer increased restoration and connection to classmates.

The Art of Seeing: The Impact of a Visual Arts Course on Student Wellbeing

NYU Grossman School of Medicine created a study based on ArtMed inSight’s intensive The Art of Seeing course offered to 3r and 4th year medical students.

The research was published in Medical Teacher. Check it out here

The Study found a statistically significant increase of mindfulness and situational self-awareness as well as a decrease in terms of perceived stress. Additional results included augmented emotional awareness and creative expression.